After the Storm Passes

Sep 18, 2018


    NCCASA is sending love, light and positive thoughts to everyone during this challenging time. In the coming days, the Member Services Team will be in contact with our rape crisis centers across the state to assess the needs of the agencies, staff and survivors  as they recover from the impacts of this storm.  We will circulate the list of needs including ways to give as soon as they are available. If you are interested in being a part of the process to help these communities please feel free to be in contact with Charnessa Ridley at [email protected] or Deanna Harrington at [email protected].
     As the clean up begins for some of you, whether that be today or next week, we wanted to share some helpful information that we hope you all find useful during this time.  The document includes some simple steps to help RCCs begin to assess what their needs may be, as well as some ways that NCCASA can help.  To view the information, click the link below:
In the weeks and months ahead that may be full of recovery for some of you, know that NCCASA is here to support and advocate for what your agency and sexual assault survivors need.
In solidarity,