Campus Consortium

North Carolina Campus Consortium

With a strong network of campuses working in partnership with one another and with their larger communities, we can prevent campus-based sexual violence in North Carolina.  Founded in 2006, The North Carolina (NC) Campus Consortium is a collaborative project of NCCASA and the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV) through a contract with the NC Department of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch.  The NC Campus Consortium is an organizing body for colleges and universities across the state currently addressing or interested in addressing sexual violence prevention on their campuses. Campus Consortium members share resources, attend meetings, receive training and technical assistance, and engage in a statewide dialogue about campus-based sexual violence prevention.There are three primary objectives of the Campus Consortium:

1) To provide colleges and universities with the necessary knowledge and information to design and implement successful prevention campaigns, protocols, and policies.

2) To create a structure for all campuses across the state to work together to end sexual violence.

3) To develop partnerships between campuses and rape crisis centers for lasting community-level change.


Help promote safe campuses and healthy communities.  Join us.


Contact Jp Przewoznik, Prevention Education Coordinator, to find out how to get involved!!


Jp Przewoznik, MSW

919-871-1015 [email protected]



Campus Consortium One-Pager – available here

Campus Consortium Advisory Committee Application – available here